Jamie Holman

Zwei britische Fussballfans sitzen frontal vor der Kamera auf der Couch und memorieren grölend ihr Fangesang-Archiv, während im zweiten Video ältere Damen mit dem Ernst und der Sorgfalt eines Kirchenchors teils dieselben Gesänge intonieren.

For a brief time between 1996 and 1998, I made videos. I was never really sure what they were but they were intended for the gallery.Someone told me that they were more like pop records in content, duration and intention. This was an epiphany at the time so I chucked it all in and formed a band.The band of course failed. The videos are being shown again.Thats life I suppose.

Jamie Holman
Videokünstler und Musiker
lebt in Holland
